ARITHMETICK-TACK-TOE Version 1.2 - Evaluation ================================ Copyright (c) 1994 Indigo Rose Software Design Corporation. All Rights Reserved Distributed by: NeoPoint Technologies P.O. Box 2281 Winnipeg, MB Canada R3C 4A6 Orders: (800) 665-9668 Fax: (204) 661-6904 Phone: (204) 668-8180 Notice ====== ArithmeTick-Tack-Toe Evaluation Version 1.2 for Windows may be freely copied and distributed by BBS systems and on-line services. It may be included in shareware catalogs and/or services, provided that the end-user is made aware that they are purchasing an evaluation or "shareware" edition. Introduction ============ ArithmeTick-Tack-Toe is like a traditional game of X's and O's, however it requires the players to correctly answer a mathematical problem before placing their piece. A player can either challenge a friend or play against the computer. The player has full control over the type and difficulty of the math problems, as well as the skill of the computer opponent. Enough flexibility is provided to make the game challenging for children as well as adults. ArithmeTick-Tack-Toe was developed to encourage children to interact with the computer and practice math skills while having fun in a multimedia environment. It is sure to appeal to both parents and educators as well as being entertaining for the students. Evaluation Version ================== This version of the software is an evaluation or "shareware" edition. It allows you to try out the software and decide if it meets your needs, before you purchase it. Once you have decided that ArithmeTick-Tack-Toe will benefit your child/student, you can order an enhanced version of the software which offers a larger variety of math problems and skill levels. Please see the file ORDER.TXT or the Help Menu from within the program for more information on the benefits of ordering the enhanced version. Requirements ============ ArithmeTick-Tack-Toe requires the following items for proper use: * Microsoft Windows Version 3.1 or later. * A mouse or similar pointing device. * A 386SX/16 with 4 megabytes of RAM or greater is recommended. * A sound card and color display is optional but recommended. If you are unfamiliar with basic Microsoft Windows commands, terminology and procedures, it would be advised that you refer to your Windows manuals for background information on using any Windows based software Instructions ============ Tick-Tack-Toe: The Game The game of Tick-Tack-Toe is played by two players alternatively choosing places on a three by three game board. The winner is the first player to get three of his/her pieces in sequence. That is, across, up and down or diagonally. ArithmeTick-Tack-Toe: A twist on an old game The "twist" of ArithmeTick-Tack-Toe is that in order to place a piece on the gameboard, the player must first correctly answer a time limited mathematical problem. If the player correctly answers the question, his/her piece will be placed in the spot they have chosen. Should the player answer the problem incorrectly, their piece will not be placed and their opponent will have an opportunity to steal the spot or choose another. How to Play When the game is played for the first time, default settings for Player One and Player Two will be loaded. You can choose to use these defaults for your game or you can customize them from the Options Menu. From this menu you can also customize your player(s) name(s) and skill levels. You may also choose settings such as Computer Control and the Timer from this screen. The first player (Player One the first game of the session) will have the first opportunity to choose a spot on the gameboard. Use the mouse to position the crosshairs in the desired square and click the left mouse button (LMB) to start the math problem. The player then has the time limit specified in the Options Screen to type the answer from the keyboard and press the Enter key. Note: If the Enter key is pressed and no answer has been entered or if the time limit is up and no answer has been typed, the answer will be assumed to be a zero. The other player is then allowed to take his/her turn in the same manner. The hand at the top of the screen (in between the player names) will always point to the active player. The game continues in this manner until either someone wins or the board has been filled without a winner, resulting in a tie game. Scoring The scoring in ArithmeTick-Tack-Toe is done on a point system much like many sports. The player will receive two points for a win, one point for a tie, and no points for a loss. When the match has been terminated by the Exit option or the New Game option the current player's scores will be evaluated against the Math Masters Hall of Fame and added to the roster if worthy of the title. Ending the Game There are two ways to end a game of ArithmeTick-Tack-Toe. If you would simply like to start a new game and reset the scores, choose the New Game option. CAUTION: Doing this will result in both players scores being reset! The other way to end the game is to choose the Exit option from the File menu. Menu Commands ============= Along the top of the screen is the main menu for ArithmeTick-Tack- Toe. The following sections describe each of the following menu choices: File Menu Options Menu View Menu Help Menu File Menu ========= The File Menu is divided into two sections as follows: New Game Starts a new game of ArithmeTick-Tack-Toe. The scores are reset to zero, the board is cleared, and the high score list is updated. Exit Exits the program after updating the high scores, and returns you to the Microsoft Windows environment. Options Menu ============ The Options Menu is divided into two sections, and allows changing of the various settings for each player: Player 1 Allows changing of various Game Options and settings for Player 1 (Blue). Player 2 Allows changing of various Game Options and settings for Player 2 (Green). Sound Effects This command is a toggle between Digital Sound Effects and Silence. If a check mark appears beside this item, Sounds Effects are turned ON. To turn them off, select this item again and the check mark will be removed, turning the effects OFF. Game Options Screen =================== Name The player's current name is displayed in this box and may be edited by clicking the left mouse button on it and using the keyboard to make changes. Time Limit This determines the amount of time (in seconds) that the player has in which to answer each question. The time limit may be edited in the same way as the Name. Computer Controls This Player If this box is checked, the computer will act as an opponent in the game. Note: Both players cannot be computer controlled. The slider next to the checkbox determines the skill level of the computer player. If all the way to the right (Hard) the computer will always get the question correct. As you get closer to the left (Easy) the computer will progressively get more questions wrong, making it easier for the human player to win. Addition / Subtraction / Multiplication / Division Boxes Note: Only Additon is available in the evaluation version! These boxes determine what kind of questions will be asked of the player and the difficulty levels of those questions. Whether or not a type of question (i.e. addition, subtraction, etc.) will be given to the player during the game or not is determined by the Enable checkbox. If the box is checked, the question type will be given during the game. This allows players to focus on practicing one particular area of mathematics or to practice many. If the box is not checked, that type of question will not be asked of the player during the game. The other boxes are used to determine the difficulty level of each type of question. The numbers displayed show the hardest question that could be asked in that category. For example, if we are in the addition category and the top number is 10 and the bottom number is 10 the hardest (or at least the largest) question asked will be 10 + 10. That is, the question will be one number between 0 and 10 plus another number between 0 and 10. All of this is more easily understood when actually seen on the screen. This system applies to each category in basically the same way. Load... Clicking on the Load button will load a previously saved Player Options file. This will overwrite all existing data on the Options screen. Note that there are several pre-made player option files that you can choose from such as Easy, Medium, Hard, etc. You may also load your own saved player previously made using the Save As... command. Save As... Clicking the Save As... button will save the currently displayed player's options to disk. View Menu ========= The view menu has one selection, allowing you to view the Math Master's Hall of Fame: High Scores Brings up a list of the top seven scores and player names of all time. Help Menu ========= The Help Menu has three sections, as follows: Contents Brings up a list of major help topics you can choose from. Ordering Info Brings up information about ordering the enhanced version of ArithmeTick-Tack-Toe About Displays information on the program name and version. Ordering Information ==================== For a convenient ordering form please see file "ORDER.TXT" When you order ArithmeTick-Tack-Toe, you will receive: * A game disk with the most recent enhanced version of the game software which enables the child/student to practice math problems in Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. Variable skill levels are included for each problem type. * Printed technical supplement. * Information and demos of related educational products. * Notification of upgrades and special pricing on related educational and entertainment software. * The satisfaction of encouraging and supporting our development efforts to bring you an even wider assortment of quality multimedia educational products. The price for a single copy of ArithmeTick-Tack-Toe is $15.00 in US funds + $2.00 for shipping charges within the USA and Canada. (Shipping to any other country is $5.00. Please call for shipping charges on orders over 5 pieces). You can obtain ArithmeTick-Tack-Toe by any of the following methods: Mail your order form with a check or money order in US funds to: NeoPoint Technologies P.O. Box 2281 Winnipeg, MB Canada R3C 4A6 Have your VISA card ready and call toll free in USA and Canada: 1-800-665-9668 FAX your VISA information and order form to: (204) 661-6904 Please note that we can ONLY accept VISA credit cards and not Mastercard or Amex. Thank you in advance for your support! Disclaimer of Liability ======================= This is a legal agreement between you, the end user, and Indigo Rose Software Design Corporation (hereafter "The Company"). By using ArithmeTick-Tack-Toe (hereafter "The Software"), you are agreeing to become bound by the terms of this agreement. The Company does not warrant that the functions contained in The Software will meet your requirements or that the operation of The Software will be uninterrupted or error-free. The Software is provided as-is without warranty of any kind either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. You assume entire risk as it applies to the quality of The Software. In no event shall The Company or its suppliers be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use this product, even if The Company or its suppliers have been advised of the possibility of such damages. ArithmeTick-Tack-Toe and the Indigo Rose Software Design Corporation Design and Logo are trademarks of Indigo Rose Software Design Corporation. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are used for identification purposes only and are property of their respective owners. ---- End of File ----